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E-Blast Friday, May 17, 2024

It's very nearly Pentecost!  Pentecost is almost here!  For some reason, it is one of my favorite Sundays of the year.  This Sunday is going to be special because we are celebrating Baptism & Confirmation at the 11:00 service and renewing our membership vows at the 8:30 service.


Bring a favorite Bible verse to share with our confirmation class and WEAR RED, ORANGE OR YELLOW for Pentecost! 


I was looking at the Scriptures for Sunday.  They are:  Ezekiel 37:1-14, Psalm 104:24-34, 35b, Romans 8:22-27, and John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15.  Each one tells something different about the Holy Spirit.  I encourage you to read them in full. 


The passage from Ezekiel is the story of the dry bones.  Ezekiel is led by the Lord and by the Spirit to a valley where the ground is covered with bones--dry bones--bones that have been there a while.  The Lord asks him, "Son of Man can these bones live?"  Ezekiel wisely responds, "O Lord, only you know." 


The Lord tells Ezekiel to speak to the bones.  Do you ever wonder if Ezekiel felt strange preaching in that valley with no one there to hear?  Or maybe he was self-conscious because only the Lord seemed to be listening.  Do you ever wonder how long it took before the rattling sound and the sound of the wind?  Did it take a few minutes, a couple of hours, years? 


Ezekiel preached--prophesied--to the bones and they begin to live at the sound of the Word of the Lord.  They began to live when the Spirit came upon them.  God says, "I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live." 


This story says to me that the Holy Spirit brings new life, even in places that seem to be dead and far beyond a chance at living.  New life is possible in the toughest times and places, when all seems lost.  Also, the very last verse reassures us that God speaks and will act past, present, and future.  That is good news!  Thanks be to God! 


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

This Sunday, May 19th is Confirmation Sunday & Pentecost Sunday!!

Chloe Higgs will receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism and be confirmed in the faith.  Reese Leach and Sydney Leach will confirm their faith. 

The service of Baptism and Confirmation will be at the 11:00 AM service ONLY.  The 8:30 service will be a renewal of membership vows service.  

We will have a reception for our confirmands after the 8:30 Service next Sunday!  We invite everyone to come.  Please think about a favorite Bible verse to share with the Confirmands and bring it next Sunday.  



Worship Volunteers!  Thank you for Serving!
Sunday, May 19



8:30  AM -Gloria Hildebrand

11:00  AM - Karen Chamblee & Kari Palmer



8:30 AM - Don & Jason Gilkeson

11 AM - Stephanie & Jim Higgs



8:30 AM -Gloria Hildebrand

11 AM -  Karen Chamblee


Audio Visual

8:30 AM  - Scott Ridder

11 AM - Mark Kipps



8:30 AM - Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson

11 AM - Collin & Connor Palmer


Sanctuary Servers

8:30 AM - Kathi Hemmis

11AM - Laura & Tony Mancari

UWF Spring Banquet

"Becoming S'more"

THIS MONDAY, MAY 20 6:00 PM Fellowship Hall

The United Women in Faith (UWF) banquet is tomorrow, Monday, May 20th at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  The Faith Circle will be providing meats (ham and fried chicken), bread, beverages etc.  Please bring a salad or dessert to share. 


Join us for a delicious meal together and a program about the Blue Ridge Free Clinic. 


We are collecting feminine hygiene products, toothpaste and toothbrushes and canned meats.


ALL women are welcome.   Hope to see you there.  Please RSVP on the sign up sheet in the hallway!  If you have questions, contact Karen Chamblee or a member of the Faith Circle. 


We are now accepting RSVPs for lunch.  Lunch will be catered by Cosmic BBQ and served at Dayton UMC at Noon(ish).  Please give your name and head count to Whitney Reusser by May 19th!   Fill out the slips in the bulletin and put them in the offering plate on Sunday mornings!  

DUM BUM Youth News


MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! JUNE 2: Youth Sunday!! Our theme this year will be "Taking the Next Step!"


We are going to have one service at 10am at Bridgewater, followed by a catered lunch at 11:30 at Dayton! Both churches are invited, as are extra friends and family! 


IF YOU HAVE A SENIOR:  Start collecting pictures for our senior slide-show! Once you have 5-8 pics, please send them to me to include! 


IF YOU ARE A SENIOR: Start planning for your testimony for Youth Sunday! We would love for you to speak! You can make it what you want- even just saying who you are, where you're graduating from, and what you plan on doing after high school! If you have questions, just email/text me! 





      We are hosting our own local mission trip!! I am working on partnering up with organizations and getting timelines organized BUT if you are 100% in for this mini mission trip, you can go ahead and SIGN UP HERE!! Stay tuned for more info as things get finalized! DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS MAY 28 FIRM!! That is so we can get T-shirts in on time for everyone!!  

BUMC Financial Snapshot Month End

Year to Date

Month End

General & Designated Fund Income

General & Designated 

Fund Expenses






For the first 4 months, we ae keeping a positive number, ever so thin.  This is mostly a result of expense control as donations in April were down.  Your continued support is appreciated.

Important Staff Update

from Whitney Reusser

I announced at both churches on Sunday that I have decided to step back from the Director of Youth Ministries at both churches and as the Director of Children's Ministries at BUMC. My last Sunday in these positions will be June 23rd. A few things to clear up about this decision though: 


1) DUMBUM as a combined youth group WILL CONTINUE! We will still operate as one youth group. 


2) I will still be overseeing everything until June 23rd, including our Youth Sunday, mission trip and VBS for BUMC.


3) We are actively looking for someone to take over directing the DUMBUMs! If you know someone who might be a good fit, please contact me or one of the pastors and we will share that person's contact info with the appropriate committees! Please pray for our churches and our DUMBUMs through this period of transition! 

Kits for Conference


This year UMCOR will be collecting 3 kits:

     1)  Hygiene Kits

     2)  UMCOR Cleaning Kits

     3)  Menstrual Hygiene Kits


They will not be collecting school kits again this year, but I feel that we can send hygiene kits again this year.  If you would like to donate items for the kits, there will be a box in the hallway starting May 5.  We need to have our completed kits to Otterbein UMC on Saturday, June 1 for them to be picked up by UMCOR.


The kit contains:

     1 hand towel (15"x25" to 17"x27")

     1 washcloth (no cleaning or microfiber cloths)

     1 comb (sturdy with 4-7 inches of teeth)

     1 toenail or fingernail clipper

     1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz. or larger)  NO Ivory or Jergens

     1 adult toothbrush in the package

     10 adhesive bandages (3/4"x3")

     1 one-gallon size re-sealable bag


If you would like to assemble your own hygiene kits, there will be instructions on the Reading Cart.


                               Thank you!   Kathi Hemmis


to benefit Weekday Religious Education Bible Classes!

THIS Saturday, May 18

THIS Saturday, May 18, 2024

Price: $4 each

Pick up at Shady Oak (next to Weavers Mennonite Church) or Delivery by Board Member

Orders are due by Friday, May 10

Phone/Text Order to Ginger 540-908-7169


If you would like to help, assembly is at 8:30 at Shady Oak, next to Weavers  Mennonite Church.  Everyone is invited to help.

Christian Education

Employment Opportunity


Weekday Religious Education needs to hire a Bible Teacher for John C. Myers ES in Broadway.  This is a part-time, paid position for classes held during school hours two days a week.  If interested, please call 540-438-9997 or e-mail  

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!

                        Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary May 19-25!

Happy Birthday to:

19 - Dennis Rawley

19 - Barbara Kiracofe

20 - Mary Kern

10 - Leslie Intemann

20 - Debbie Harter

20 - Elizabeth Sieber

21 - Adam Gilkeson

23 - Grace Mowery

25 -Katrina Davis


Happy Anniversary to:

23 - Vic & Amanda Taylor

24 - Tim & Courtney Leach

25 - John & Christal Marshall

Our Calendar

May 19-26 2024


                  Confirmation Sunday! & Pentecost Sunday!

                 Worship at 8:30 - Renewal of Membership Vows

                 Worship at 11 AM - Baptism & Confirmation Service

                 9:30 AM - Reception for Confirmation (Fellowship Hall)

                 Sunday School for All Ages


MON         6 PM BUWF Spring Banquet (Fellowship Hall)


WED          9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

                   6 PM Handbell Practice

                  7 PM Choir Practice


THU           6PM SPRC Meeting (New Beginnings Classroom)


NEXT SUNDAY    Worship 8:30 & 11:00

                             9:30 Fourth Sunday Coffee

                             Sunday School for All Ages

                             1:30 Lead Worship @ White Birch

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

Copyright 2024. Bridgewater United Methodist Church, All Rights Reserved.