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Thursday Thoughts February 1, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

February 1, 2024


On a recent morning, I walked out on the porch and even though I could see my breath condensing in the frigid air, there was a bird singing just a note or two of its spring song. What glorious music that was to my ears. So far this winter the weather has been rather tolerable except for a few extremely cold days and nights. The snows and ice have been manageable up to now but winters seem like they are so long. The thought of spring gives me hope that in a couple of months, we will hear lots of bird songs, the spring bulbs will be putting on a show, the days will be longer and we see evidence of new life all around.


As certain as the spring will follow the winter we know that we can have hope no matter what is happening to us personally or in the world. What is that phrase we have always heard, "hope springs eternal"? Scripture has a lot of say about hope. Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." This kind of hope is not based on any earthly situation or possession. This is an eternal kind of hope. This kind of hope happens when we truly believe we have a God who walks with us through illness, brokenness, and frailties of body and spirit and gives us assurance of his love and hope for a better life beyond this life. This hope is a gift from God delivered directly to us by the power of the Holy Spirit. "And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5:5


Recently, I was talking with a friend who has been working to bring some of her unbelieving friends to Christ. Their lives are full of darkness and turmoil and they cannot see beyond the problems they are facing. They know no peace and feel empty and alone. The little happiness they know is based solely on their circumstances and is fleeting. They are in a pit with no way to climb out. They feel hopeless. My friend keeps throwing them a rope of hope through Jesus Christ but they are unwilling to take hold of the rope that will save them. As believers, it is our privilege and responsibility to offer hope to those who are without. It is their choice to accept or not but we keep offering and praying for them.


Hope is like those few notes that a bird sings in the middle of winter. There is something better ahead. We are insulted from the cold and bitter winds of the world when we have hope burning in our souls.

It is vital we stay connected to the source of our hope and show and tell others why we have a song to sing even during a cold and dark world.



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